Afraid of losing subscribers?

Hey Reader,

I am back from holiday, recharged and ready to go. How are you doing?

How many subscribers do you have in your marketing email platform? I'll wait while you look it up.


Do you know it doesn't really matter as much as you think? Yes, 10.000 is a lot more than 100. There is no denying that. But having people actually open and read your emails and act on them is much more important than the total normal.

This is why I recommended to a few of my clients lately that they clean their list. Give 'cold' subscribers (I always think that term is a bit weird, but then again, I almost always feel cold...) a chance to start reopening your emails or let them go. I do this quite regularly, and yes, that sometimes means a drop of 30% in subscribers (not kidding!), but it also means an uptake in my open rates and click rates, and that is great for deliverability. Another client went back a tier in their subscription plan because they removed all these subscribers who weren't actually reading their content anymore.

Don't feel bad about cleaning out your list or about its size afterwards. Just focus on those amazing people (like you!!) who are still there.

Have you cleaned out your list lately? Do you know how to do this? If you need some help, just reply to this email, and let's chat!

Warmest wishes,

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