
Creative Marketing Strategies

I give entrepreneurs and small businesses tips on improving your marketing flow and picking out the right software tools to help you automate those parts of your business you should not be paying attention to.

Are You Starting at the Wrong End of Your Marketing Puzzle?

Hey Reader, Are you feeling overwhelmed with marketing? If so, know that you're not alone. Many entrepreneurs are unsure where to focus their time and energy, feeling the pressure to be active on social media. And yes, it’s easy to think that building your online presence should be the first step in your marketing strategy. But what if I told you that starting there might actually be why you’re feeling stuck? Let's talk puzzles Imagine putting together a puzzle. Most of us start by finding...

Afraid of losing subscribers?

Hey Reader, I am back from holiday, recharged and ready to go. How are you doing? How many subscribers do you have in your marketing email platform? I'll wait while you look it up. ... Do you know it doesn't really matter as much as you think? Yes, 10.000 is a lot more than 100. There is no denying that. But having people actually open and read your emails and act on them is much more important than the total normal. This is why I recommended to a few of my clients lately that they clean...

How to get a website you're proud of

Hey Reader, As we speak, people are putting up aircon in my office!! I can't tell you how happy I am with that. I have been in my attic office for 11 years (14 years in business soon), and with the heatwaves in the Netherlands getting longer and longer, it's not always been pleasant up here. But no more issues from today forward! Which will be great when I will be working on a Website in a Week for a fabulous client (you know who you are ;) ) next month. Heatwave or not, I will be ready to...

This makes content creation so much simpler!

Hey Reader, Creating compelling content as a business owner can often feel overwhelming. But I’m here to help you make this easier by telling you all about the six content types! The six content types are informative, inspiring, engaging, behind the scenes, your story, and sales. By creating one of each every time you are coming up, creating and posting content, you ensure a balanced, varied content plan, helping you connect with your potential customers. But not just that. Creating content...

This email is different.. what do you think?

Hi! Is the holiday vibe starting in your house too? And what does that mean for you? Does that come with slower work vibes as you enjoy the summer, or is it a busy season for you? Here at Digitalie, most summers are quite busy. And it looks like this one won't be any different, which I can also see with the number of inquiries coming in. However, it WILL be different as my partner is now a teacher and has 6 to 8 weeks off during the next two months. This, in turn, means I will also be taking...

"I am rebuilding everything, will people forget about me?"

Hey Reader, When my clients are working on their Buy/Care or even Trust circles of their marketing, I don't need them worrying too much about their social media. Because I know it is hard to feel confident promoting your business if you are not completely happy with how your business comes across. But of course, they worry. "I haven't said much about my business online in a while, am I in trouble?" "I am rebuilding everything, will people forget about me?" And I completely get it! Most...

This is a tool I think everyone should get

Hey Reader, For the most part I recommend that people pick the tool that fits them. And therefor there are hardly any tools I would recommend for everyone. But the email platform ConvertKit (affiliate link) is an exception. I use it myself, I use it for my clients, and I even am a Certified ConvertKit Expert. And I wanted to take you along in just three of the reasons why I am a fan: Growing my list more rapidly by others recommending me Have you heard of the Creator Network? It helps you...