Are You Starting at the Wrong End of Your Marketing Puzzle?

Hey Reader,

Are you feeling overwhelmed with marketing? If so, know that you're not alone.

Many entrepreneurs are unsure where to focus their time and energy, feeling the pressure to be active on social media. And yes, it’s easy to think that building your online presence should be the first step in your marketing strategy. But what if I told you that starting there might actually be why you’re feeling stuck?

Let's talk puzzles

Imagine putting together a puzzle. Most of us start by finding the edge pieces first, building a frame before filling in the middle. The same concept applies to your marketing strategy.

Here’s the common mistake: entrepreneurs often dive headfirst into social media, thinking it’s the "edging" of their marketing puzzle.

But in reality, the puzzle starts at the other end—by creating an easy and clear purchase process, delivering your offers, and taking care of your customers. This is where your marketing strategy truly begins.

  • Purchase Process: Is the buying journey smooth, simple, and trustworthy? This is where conversions happen—or don’t.
  • Offer Delivery: Your products or services should function smoothly and reliably. Are they easy to access? Is what is about to happen clearly communicated?
  • Aftercare: What happens after someone makes a purchase? Do they feel supported, or do they fall through the cracks? A strong aftercare strategy turns one-time buyers into loyal customers.

When you focus on the end first—making sure your customers have an exceptional experience after they decide to buy—you’re not just completing the puzzle; you’re setting the entire picture in motion.

Only then can you focus on the "middle pieces" like evergreen content and, later, social media, which will naturally attract more of your ideal audience into your marketing flow.

Over the coming weeks, I’ll share more tips to help you assemble your marketing puzzle. But remember, the journey starts with the end in mind. And if you need help with that, please reach out - I'd love to chat about how I can support you.

Looking forward to helping you complete the picture,

Warmest wishes,

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