How My Unique Background Can Help You Build Your Online Community

Hey Reader,

Did you know I have a master's in New Media and Digital Culture? The online world might not sound so new now, but when I studied it, it was almost cutting-edge (yes, I'm admitting I'm a bit old ;) ). What I learned back then still guides me to this day.

My weird, twisted bachelor's degree

Let's start with a quick recap of my bachelor's degree. I initially studied Information Science and loved this; there were two subjects I couldn't pass (it turns out they were later cut from the curriculum, so apparently, it wasn't just me!). While retaking those, I decided to take some electives in the culture side of information technology - a new field at the time - and absolutely loved it. In the end, as I couldn't pass those two subjects, I ended up with a degree in cultural studies with a lot of tech-related electives. Well, that works too!

Community during my master

I enjoyed combining these perspectives and signed up for the Master of New Media and Digital Culture. While doing this, I really got invested in how new media was transforming our communities: expanding on them, cutting into them, and sometimes erasing them. I became fascinated by how new media offered new ways to communicate with communities and how communication and marketing used that in good and bad ways to get their messages across. And I wrote my thesis about how all this new media was changing spaces: personal and communal, physical and now nonphysical and how this was changing our communities.

While doing my master's, I already helped my first clients understand these new developments, like advising those in sensitive professions on how to navigate social media or helping traditional institutions like museums find ways to connect with new audiences.

And I am still doing that today:

  • By helping you find your community online
  • By creating (better) opportunities to talk to your people
  • By investing in communities myself

Are you wondering how my insights can help your business? Hit 'reply' to this email, and let's chat! I’d love to hear about your experiences with digital media or any challenges you’re facing.

Looking forward to connecting!

Warmest wishes,

Hey, did you know? Because you've worked with me and/or bought something from me, you can join Digitalie's Client Community on Discord. There we talk about our creative businesses, crafts, cake, and so much more!

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