How to navigate big business changes without (too much) overwhelm

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In the spring of this year, I rebranded my business. And I learned a lot. And so it's been interesting, as a ConvertKit Certified Expert, to see ConvertKit rebranding to Kit and the lessons they learn along the way. - I LOVE their new logo by the way!

Rebranding your business

Rebranding your business can be one of the most exciting and transformative steps you can take. But it can also be a complex, non-linear journey that requires a lot of your attention. ConvertKit's video of the process has some lessons we can all use when working on our branding.

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1. It's a Strategic Process, Not Just a Design Change

One of the biggest takeaways from ConvertKit’s rebranding journey is that rebranding is more than just changing your logo or colour palette. ConvertKit didn’t simply update its visuals; they redefined their brand identity to better align with their evolving mission of helping creators earn a living. Branding is everything that shows the world who you are and what you do.

This is why it is so important that before you decide to rebrand to think about the strategic foundations: what are your business goals, what are your values, who are your target customers, and how does your brand reflect those elements?

2. Embrace a Non-Linear Path and Be Prepared to Redesign Several Times

As you can see in the video, ConvertKit’s rebranding journey was far from linear. It involved multiple phases, rounds of feedback, and adjustments along the way. It also involved several 'lines' of branding at the same time. They were looking into their verbal branding while working on the visual side.

Being ok with having to refine while also working on several elements of the branding at once, was crucial in refining their brand identity and ensuring it aligned with their wishes and the community’s expectations.

Understand that rebranding isn’t a one-and-done process—it’s a journey that may require changes, tweaks, and feedback loops.

3. Avoid Combining Rebranding with Other Major Changes

A common mistake I've seen small businesses make is trying to do too much at once; trying to rebrand while also moving to a new platform or launching a new product. Rebranding, launching, or moving platforms each take so much energy and time that you can't do multiple of them at the same time. And by trying to do this you will have more issues as any iteration in one will have consequences in the other project.

ConvertKit avoided this by focusing solely on their rebranding without making changes to other parts of their business. This approach allowed them to give full attention to the branding process, ensuring a smoother transition and a more consistent message.

Extra thoughts: Sharing the why

I loved that in the video, they also explained why they are rebranding and are making certain choices. They shared how the new brand would better serve their mission and community, fostering trust and excitement among users. Even if you're not rebranding, thinking about these pieces and how you use them while talking to your audience is a great way to create a real band with them.

While rebranding can feel fun, it's a big process and should only be undertaken when there is a real need for it. And to know if there is a need it's your foundations to look at: what do you want from your business, how do you want to help, what are important values to you? Regularly going through your strategic business foundations is important for a healthy business. And no, changing anything to your foundation doesn't automatically mean you have to rebrand either. :)

If you are considering (big) changes in your business and would like to discuss them with someone, I’m here to help! As a marketing tech expert, I can guide you through the complexities of aligning your business with who you are and who you want to attract, as well as using the right strategies and technologies to bring it all together.

Warmest wishes,

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