When is it meant for your site vs social media?

Hey Reader,

I have been helping clients write texts for their websites lately and came across something I wanted to share with you.

You see, I am not a copywriter, but I am really good at marketing and content. I have noticed a few times these last weeks that sometimes my clients will write long texts on their website that don't actually belong there. It is excellent content, but it should be a social media piece or extended to a blog post instead of part of the website text.

Want an example?

How about starting to describe EXACTLY, in detail, how you came to do what you do on your About page? That is just far too detailed and information overload for the About page, which *should* tell the reader why you can really help them, but in a concise way.

However, those kinds of stories are amazing 'Your Story' social media pieces where you want to tell your audience more about who you are and where you've learned/experienced the things that got you to where you are.

Or starting an in-depth essay on a sales page about the scientific theory of why you use certain systems to get these results for your clients. That is not the place to do it, but it could become a great blog post for those people who want to know the 'why' behind your methods.

There is a reason there are 6 different content types: Informative, engaging, inspiring, your story, behind the scenes and sales. You need all these different types of content to attract the right people to you. But your website is not always the spot for that :)

Want to know more about when something could be a website text, a blog post or a social media post? Let's chat about how I can help you.

Warmest wishes,

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